sex doll machine Relevant Information

(95 People Likes) Why am I not able to climax, even after an hour(s) with a real doll?

ven imagine why you couldn't climax after an hour in a real doll. Most guys want to stay longer. I would want to stay in her as long as she was agreable. You dont mention whether you cum in her or a condom. My girlfriend liked more than hour, so i w Sex Doll Torso uld hold back for an hour then cum in her. Fortunate sex doll machine y, she was hot enough keep me up for the second hour and more. I suggest that you try for more hour(s) in her, and think about the climax. She will/may be plea

(48 People Likes) What are some real-world applications using B-tree?

nswer given by Santanu Chakrabarti.
Mysql uses B tree. Interesting >.<
B-Tree : It is a generalization of a BST in that a node can have more than two children. These are self balancing and hence the average and worst complexities is logarithmic.We opt for these when the data is too huge to fit in main memory. These structures are used in database indexing and help in faster operations on d

(47 People Likes) How do I get a girl in 2 weeks?

this site RealDoll - The World's Finest Love Doll - The one and only RealDoll. As seen on Sons of Anarchy, TLC, Discovery, Playboy TV, HBO's Real Sex, Lars and the Real Girl and more.
And see if they can express ship you one.
Otherwise, real, human beings are not something you "get" in a set time limit. They are people and need to be treated as s

(60 People Likes) Are sex dolls having any real effect on our society?

using people to ask questions about sex dolls on Quora. I suppose that is an effect.
A sex doll is not a person, it’s a lump of silicone.
If you have a lump of silicone shaped like this
or a lump of silicone shaped like this
Taking silicone and pouring it into a person-shaped mold doesn't make it any different.
I would have thought, in the days before I used Quora, that this was obvious. Apparently I was wrong.
They think of a silicone masturbation toy as a person, while at the same time treating human beings with a different caste or a different skin color like they aren’t people.
Isn’t that fascinating?
This is a

(42 People Likes) Is it okay to buy a 2600$ sex doll?

it is, if that is what you want and you can afford it. What you do with yourself and your toys is no one else's business. There is nothing immoral about masturbation and a sex doll is just another way of masturbat

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